
Winds, brass, and percussion students are invited to compete in the second biennial Wind Ensemble Student Concerto Competition. One winner will be selected to perform an entire concerto from the wind band repertoire with the UW–Madison Wind Ensemble on February 27, 2022.

1. Competition is open to students registered full-time at UW–Madison. Full-time is defined as undergraduates who are registered for a minimum of 12 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in a degree program and making satisfactory progress.

2. Graduate students with dissertator status and registered for 3 credits may compete.

3. Students competing must be enrolled in a Mead Witter School of Music auditioned ensemble during both semesters of the academic year in which they are competing. Graduate students with dissertator status are exempt from this requirement.

4. Accompaniment is optional (preferred but not always possible) during the competition. A UW–Madison faculty member may not accompany. Click here for a list of available accompanist.

5. During the competition auditions, students are allowed a maximum of 10 minutes performance time of their chosen concerto.